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  • Tony Casamento


Hi, Some people have a tradition of sending a document with their Christmas card with a review of the previous year – a Christmas letter if you will. This is my “Christmas letter”. Christmas in July. 😊

Let me apologize for this somewhat impersonal format. I would like to keep up with all my family and friends on a more personal level. That has been quite a challenge. I am fortunate to have many friends and extended family. And let’s face it – the promise of “keeping in touch” when one departs fades over time. This is human nature. However, just because the communication ebbs does not diminish the relationship. In the recent past I have reconnected with people that I haven’t communicated with for an extended period of time.

Enough of that.

I moved back to New Jersey a year ago. I’ve been reinventing myself, personally and professionally.

The most significant part of the story is that I am physically close to my grandchildren.  Yea, plural. I have a 1.75 year old grandson and an almost 3 month old granddaughter. I get to spend a couple of days with them (and their parents LOL)  every month. I could talk about them forever but I’ll show some restraint. My grandson has started calling me “papa” so I guess that’s my new name.

I’m also closer to my 4 brothers, their children, grandchildren, etc. It’s great! I also have other extended family that I see more often. I am renting an apartment from my wonderful cousin and her hubby. It’s a nice town with great access to everywhere I need to be. My cousin and I will be visiting another cousin in Vegas next month.

And then there’s “old” friends. I’ve been reconnecting with friends – some originally mine, some originally Maria’s. In September I’ll be trekking with 2 high school buddies to Stockbridge, Mass to take in The MAD Magazine exhibit at the Norman Rockwell Museum. Of course, we’ll stop by the church made famous in “Alice’s Restaurant”. Don’t be too jealous. My xth high school reunion is in October. I’m looking forward to that. For you math fans, x is a number approaching ∞.

What about “other” friends you ask. The dating has been slow but I’ve been seeing a woman for the last month or so. Nothing serious but I enjoy the female companionship. We’ll see how the relationship goes (or doesn’t go).

Professionally, it has also been interesting. I got my NJ teacher certification. It didn’t take long for me to be approached by the local school district. I ended up filling in for a middle school math teacher on maternity leave. I had that position for 5 months! It was OK but more of a commitment that I was looking for. Another interesting position became available. I am currently an instructor in the local county jail. It is a very fulfilling, interesting job. I work with inmates working on their HS diploma (GED), inmates needing help with the English language, inmates improving their computer skills and other miscellaneous stuff.

Of course, I miss Maria and think about her often. My philosophy about our relationship is, “don’t mourn that it is over, rejoice that it happened”.

That’s about it for now. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog. I’ll try to update it in a timely manner and post some photos. I promise I won’t sell your email address unless I’m offered a shitload of money. Just Kidding (I think) 😊Now it’s your turn. Please let me know how you are doing. Text/call 817.266.3876 or email

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