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  • Tony Casamento

Adventures in Babysitting

This week I had my first experience as a grandpa babysitter. It was just me and Deno. I fed him, played with him, gave him a bath, put him in PJs and in bed. It was exhausting but very rewarding. It all went well except for bedtime. He really did not want to go down. He was still up and about in his crib when Mom and Dad got home. My son was very patient with me and explained that I should just put him in the crib and turn off the lights. He would fuss a bit and fall asleep. It takes a big man to take parenting lessons from his son. LOL

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Sep 10, 2023

You will earn your stripes when you change his REALLY bad diaper 😂😂


Sep 10, 2023

Love it !!!!

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